Northwest Philly Neighbors Podcast

I'm a podcast fan — it's hard to beat hearing a fascinating story while you're driving or doing dishes or folding laundry or …

I wanted to see if I could create a podcast that would stand up to my favorites.

As it happens my neighborhood is full of interesting people, and I’ve always loved hearing people’s stories and learning about their projects, passions, and work. So I decided to seek out my interesting neighbors, and feature their stories.

I'm proud of the result — Northwest Philly Neighbors. Here are the episodes from Season 1:

Some favorites:

After season 1 the COVID-19 pandemic put the kibosh on in-person interviews, which were the most fun part for me. And creating a good episode takes a lot of time, which I've since put into other projects. Will there be a season 2? Time will tell...

Podcasting Skills

Podcasting turns out to require a sobering list of skills, from designing a logo to researching guests to hosting a fruitful interview to editing the audio to publicizing episodes. For your interest, here's a list:

Prepare everything

Find good guests

Do interviews

Prepare episode materials

Record intro / outro

Process audio

Edit audio

Publicize episodes