Contra Dance Caller & Choreographer
Photo by David Frantz
Contra Dance Caller & Choreographer

I've enjoyed calling and writing contra dances for many years, with the pleasure of leading dance weeks and weekends throughout North America. Here's a schedule of calling dates and a history of past dates. I look forward to calling in your town.

Some of my dances have avoided the scrap heap, and one of these days I will surely publish a book of dances. Until then, publishing online is hard to beat.

I've also posted a few thoughts on grids, which combine the best features of contras and squares.

Here in Philly I help run the Mount Airy Barn Dance and Teen Dance, always highlights of my month.

Podcast Episode

I was honored to be a guest on From The Mic, a CDSS podcast hosted by Mary Wesley. Some highlights from the episode:

The episode page includes a full transcript.