Summer Of Delight

By Rick Mohr; September 2007

Contra, Duple Improper Caller's Box

Level: Easy/Intermediate


Balance and swing neighbor (16)


Circle left 3/4 (8)

(Join hands in a wave of four—partners join right; ladies join left)

Balance the wave (4)

Walk forward (to meet shadow from next wave) (4)

(Join hands in a wave of four—shadows join right; ladies join left)


Balance the wave (4)

Allemande right with shadow 3/4 (4)

Swing partner (8)


Gents allemande left 1 1/2 (8)

Star promenade with neighbor 1/2 (4)

Butterfly whirl (4)

This dance combines the distinctive figures from "Summer of 84" by Gene Hubert and "Marion's Delight" by Carol Kopp. It's an accessible yet interesting dance for a mixed crowd of dancers.

Video: David Eisenstadter with Dave Langford, Jeremiah McLane, & Larry Unger at a 2014 Montpelier VT contra: