Roll in the Clover
By Rick Mohr; June 2024
Contra, Duple Improper
Level: Intermediate
A1: |
Balance the ring (4) California twirl with partner (4) (Keeping hands, face partner and form cloverleaf by reaching
across to join free hand with neighbor) Balance the cloverleaf (4) Connected rollaway with neighbor — ladies roll left while gents step right |
A2: |
Balance the ring (4) California twirl with partner (4) Swing next neighbor (8) |
B1: |
Circle left 3/4 (8) Swing partner (8) |
B2: |
Circle left 3/4 (8) Dosido neighbor (who you swung) (8) |
A nice balance sequence with a twist, a satisfying surprise progression, and an all-moving finish.
Forming the cloverleaf in A1 is different but not difficult. Keep hands with partner after the California twirl and turn to face each other. Then reach free hand over joined hand to take neighbor's hand and form the cloverleaf.
I tell dancers the "connected rollaway" that follows is like a normal rollaway except you don't change hands, and encourage them to enjoy it by sharing some weight and staying connected.
Rick Mohr & Howe and Co. at a 2024 Dancing Fish weekend, Melrose FL: